
With the summer hols just behind us it’s probably a good time to take stock of your skin. After all it’s been blasted by the sun, surf and likely a few boozy benders. Your New Year’s resolution to quit smoking? Forgotten in “after-action-satisfaction”. And that post-jol junk food debauchery has resulted in an outbreak of custardy zits. May we suggest you consider the restorative benefits of a discreetly applied face mask to scrub some of the holiday’s abuse off your mug?

Concentrated antioxidant vitamins. Helps recover from damage. Soothes. Boosts barrier properties and tissue regeneration. Apply to cleansed face. Leave for 7-10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Apply weekly or when needed. Multivitamin Power Recovery Mask, R625, Dermalogica.