
20 years ago Levi’s Strauss & Co. re-entered the South African market following democratic elections in 1994. But not only was the return of Levi’s to SA great for fans of the brand yearning to get their butts back into their favourite blues – it also impacted positively on our fledgling democracy by creating fair employment opportunities for local South Africans.

But this was just the beginning: over the past two decades, Levi Strauss & Co. and the Levi Strauss Foundation have provided more than R50 million in grants to organisations in South Africa championing important causes such as HIV/AIDS.

Levi’s has also lent its support to the local music industry by seeking out and throwing its weight behind fresh and dynamic talent

Thanks Levi’s – for helping us live our dreams – IN LEVIS!

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Levis.South.Africa