

I recently sat down for a catch-up with, undoubtedly, one of my all-time favourite models (and now accomplished actor). We go way back to my very first fashion shoot…some 25 years ago. 

I’ve since had the privilege of working with Pope Jerrod on numerous productions. 

Not only an exemplary professional, Pope Jerrod  is charming and distinguished, the quintessential gentleman. 

Photography | Tim Gerges

How did your career in modeling begin? My life changed the day a photographer walked into my Dad’s car dealership where I worked. He asked if I’d be keen to take some photos. An adventurous 23 year old at the time, I agreed. Next thing I was in Tokyo modeling. 

Give us the lowdown on some of your favourite things:

Bar? “Cheers…where everyone knows your name”. Did I just give my age away?

Car? Corvette, it’s a sexy beast. 

Watch? Rolex, the enduring symbol of success. 

Accessories? Any and every. They’re a great tool to get into character for castings. 

Favourite tool?  Electric-drill, every man needs one. 

Essential item? Toothbrush and toothpaste. Kiss “spinach in the teeth goodbye” .No model/actor should ever arrive on set without them. 

Restaurant? Anywhere with Sushi. 

Shoes? Funky basketball sneakers. A nod to my American roots.

Style Icon? Muhammad Ali – the epitome of natural elegance, relaxed confidence and all-time sharpness.

Movie? “Star Wars”. 

Holiday Destination? Mauritius. I recently shot a film, “Resort to Love”, there. Definitely going back. 

City? Cape Town, of course. And Amsterdam and LA.

Style tip?  Always be yourself. In your skin and in your clothes.

Grooming tip? Sleep. And drink lots of water.

Fragrance? Dior “Sauvage”. (Grinning).

Home Decor item? Giant Bean Bag.

Grooming tip? Sleep. And drink lots of water. 

How often do you go for a pedicure?  Twice a year. For the most part I’m a DIY kinda guy.

Wax your back? Don’t need to.

Fragrance? Dior “Sauvage”. (Grinning). 

Home Decor item? Giant Bean Bag. 

Biggest fear? None.

Clandestine confession? Really?? What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. 

Party trick? You gonna censor this?? Kidding. Laughter! Always a good way to announce your arrival with a hearty belly-laugh. 

Liken yourself to a cartoon character?  Oh man, Snoopy – the not so average, art collecting, root beer drinking and unstoppable Beagle…especially vs The Red Baron.

Best at? Telling stories…I really get into the moment, using my hands, whole body, to give the story a picture.

Worst at? Cutting the stories short.

Can you sew on a button? Yes, I can. Every man should know that. 

Favourite dish to serve? Braais. 

Dirty little secret? I’m a die-hard Star Trek fan.

First job? Tossing burgers at McDonald’s. At the Mall where I grew up in Sacramento, California.

Are you a fan of the budgie-smuggler? Nope. I’m more of a Macaw kinda guy. Wink wink.

If you could be a woman, who would you want to be? No one. I don’t want to be a woman. I like being a man. 

Have you ever used sex to further your career? Nah. 

Who would you choose to be stuck on a deserted island with? Wilson, the Volleyball from the movie “Castaway”. 

What turns you on? Kindness. 

Favourite saying right now? “Show me receipts!!”.

With a hug and a handshake we say goodbye, well,  maybe not goodbye…’good fortune’ will hopefully have our paths crossing again soon!

Thank you Pope.

Creative direction | Neil Doveton

Photographer | Tim Gerges 

Pope Jerrod | Model and Actor | Boss Models

Apparel | Khaliques | S’innamon PR &Communications 

in association with

Graham Beck